woensdag 18 januari 2012

PROJECT 2: NEON INDIANS (future indian empire)

Global Nomads, our current project in class, was splitted in different countries, I picked America. Been there, like 8 times already, have some really nice family over there. Anyway, I was inspired by indians and wanted to pick the cliché ''Pocahontas'', and turn it into a modern fairytale. Imagine Pocahontas in a nightclub or something, with flashy lights and stuff. That's what I wanted, and I went on the internet for some inspiration for the design. After I've made the design and the patterns, and the dress itself, I found something interesting on www.ilovefashionnews.com . A whole brand, inspired by Aztec indians. Wow, feeling really trend following right now :) Check http://www.threadsence.com/shop-trends-shop-aztec-c-323_311.html for all items & shopping.

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